
White Coffee

White Coffee

A nice way to rejuvenate the evening after a long day's work. 

White coffee consists of coffee and milk or creamer depending on the preference. Coffee has caffein which is a stimulant. It is served hot, bringing out the strong rich taste of the beverage.

Kenya at 50

Ice Cream

Dessert made from dairy products and flavoured with vanilla extract and chocolate. Served cold highlighting the scintillating taste.

Rice beans

Rice Beans and Salad

Pilau Chapati and Yam

Pilau Chapati and yam

White rice prepared with the pilau flavor served yam stew prepared together with sweet potatoes. An additional chapati brings in the sweet taste of baked flour. 


onions, tomatoes

Rice beef and chapati served with potato and greens

Rice, beef and greens and potatoes

Camel meat

tenderized camel meat

Rice and fried potatoes served with chicken

White rice, wedges and deep fried chicken. served with a cold drink

Rice Chicken

Rice Chicken
Rice prepared by boiling while chicken tika fried after boiling

Chapati Githeri

Githeri, chapati and sweet potatoes
Let us mantain our focus on the food rather than the misuse of cutlery in this case. Githeri with a chapati and a piece of sweet potato. cabbage added.

Rice Chicken and banana

Rice, chicken and babanana
Rice, boiled chicken and banana stew.

Pilau Chicken and Greens

Pilau Chicken and greens

Rice with Chicken

Rice with chicken and cucumber

Carrot and peas Stew

carrot and peas stew

Prepared using Carrots, peas and chopped Irish potatoes. can be served with Rice, Chapati or ugali

Chicken Delicacy

Chicken Soup
Chicken, served with Ugali, Chapati or rice is one of the main meals served in Buffets around the country. The fact that it is white mean means it is an option for those avoiding red meat and find other alternatives like fish and other sea food out of reach.

Pilau, Chapati and Stew


pilau, chapati, yams, cucumber and stew
Pilau is a rice dish, chapati and the soupl prepared from yams and sweet potatoes.

Ugali and fish

Deep fried fish Fish and brown Ugali

Brown ugali made from flour that contains ground millet and cassava(dried of course) is a highly nutritious starch that is served with fried fish and separate stew. Fish is a delicacy among the people of the lake region and the coast because of the availability. Fish can also be served with rice.

Mukimo Chap....

Mukimo and beef and a misplaced Chapati
Honestly, we do not know how the chapati got into the picture but the sumptuous meal was intended to be Mukimo and beef. Mukimo, very popular in the central region is made of mashed potatoes and grains(mostly boiled maize)

Mukimo Liver

Liver, Rice and Mukimo
Rice served with liver and some portion of mukimo to brighten the meal. A balanced diet considering the input of the highly nutritious starch that contains maize and greens mashed together.

Rice and Goat Meat

Rice served with Goat meat and greens
served when hot with drinks. common in celebrations where food is served in central location and 2 or 3 people share the food using their set of cutlery.  

Chapati and beans

Chapati and beans
Chapati served with beans, a common meal for those people needing a quick fix that is less complicated in terms of handling.

Githeri and Rice

Githeri Rice and cabbage

Pilau, Chicken and Chapati

Pilau Chicken Chapati
Chapati served with pilau and chicken is an occurrence in buffet scenario and cases where a hevy meal is anticipated.

Christmas Comes early

Chapati, Beef, Cabbages and Greens

Those days when you feel like you need just a little bit of every food on the same platter, I am soo hungry i can eat an elephant, year, that is the feeling when i have this coupled by some greens so that it just makes it a delicious package

Wheat Stuff

Bread and Beef

Morning when I am facing a long day and i have to take some wheat stuff coupled with beef. Served with any beverage for instance juice, tea or coffee.

Rice, Beans and Greens

Rice, beans and Sukuma Wiki

White rice, beans stew and simmered greens. good looking and the taste does not disappoint, a balanced diet that ensures all the required parameters are their right proportions.

Balanced Diet

Chicken, Roast potatoes and

Chicken, yes chicken and not fish on such a lousy day. A well balanced diet on Madaraka Day, a holiday celebrating the internal independence of our country Kenya 

Light breakfast

Samosa and Lemon
Baked pastry as light breakfast on a lazy Saturday morning. usually accompanied with coffee, tea or cold juice to kick start the day. The samosa may be stuffed with ground beef or chicken while others prefer spiced onions and tomatoes  

Spaghetti and Beef

Italian Delicacy
Spaghetti(made of flour and water) is cylindrical pasta with italian and silicon origin, served with beef stew.

Pilau, Chicken & Nduma

Pilau Chicken Nduma

Rice, Beans & Greens

Githeri Special

Maiza, Beans, Beef & Peas

Maize and Beans with bee and peas

Githeri, as it is commonly known locally consists of a mixture of maize and beans prepared together by boiling before the additives are considered. Here it is served with beef and greens to make it a balanced diet that is why it is being referred to as 'special'

Simple Meal

Keeping it simple

Chapati and Matoke

Matoke Chapati with Beef

The colorfully delicious matoke(very popular in Uganda) served with chapati and greens may act as a stew or at times be stand alone and taken as a meal. 




Looks delicious, tastes yummy

Rice and Beef

A light meal 

Mukimo Special

Mukimo Special

Central Delicacy

Mukimo and Samosa with fresh warm milk

Mukimo composed of mashed potatoes with maize and beans boiled separately and mixed with fresh pumpkin leaves. served with salad and warm fresh milk

Chapati and Camel Meat

Camel meat and Chapati

A delicacy in the arid and semi arid areas where the most common meat is the camel meat. the meat is prepared by deep frying and soup served separately. Served with Chapati and some greens but can also accompany ugali or rice depending on the preference.

Lets go Italian!

Italian delicacy and some coffee

The pasta can be prepared together with eggs and sauce to give it that striking taste. Served with hot black coffee for breakfast.

Chapati and cabbage

When hunger is beckoning and one needs to fix something pretty fast, this becomes the easiest way out.