
Christmas Comes early

Chapati, Beef, Cabbages and Greens

Those days when you feel like you need just a little bit of every food on the same platter, I am soo hungry i can eat an elephant, year, that is the feeling when i have this coupled by some greens so that it just makes it a delicious package

Wheat Stuff

Bread and Beef

Morning when I am facing a long day and i have to take some wheat stuff coupled with beef. Served with any beverage for instance juice, tea or coffee.

Rice, Beans and Greens

Rice, beans and Sukuma Wiki

White rice, beans stew and simmered greens. good looking and the taste does not disappoint, a balanced diet that ensures all the required parameters are their right proportions.

Balanced Diet

Chicken, Roast potatoes and

Chicken, yes chicken and not fish on such a lousy day. A well balanced diet on Madaraka Day, a holiday celebrating the internal independence of our country Kenya