

I have come to a conclusion that these pieces of bread, I do not know how to call it is meant to make you full so that you can consume less of the main meal, so I normally chose to ignore the baked things(unless its stuffed turkey direct from the oven), but ignoring food is not a so easy thing considering that by the time one sits down and orders for the delicacy, some enzymes are already warming up awaiting to break down the food.
So I pick one scorn and cut it into two halves, already salivating. The remaining three give me that encouraging look but i decide to ignore them considering I did not order for barley by products. I wold have wished for the next course to be here so that i can abandon this brown substance after two bites but it seems the people over here are out to ensure I finish this piece before they even attempt to head towards me with the next course of action..... sorry I have to go


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